Now is the time to Prepare, Not Panic

According to Barron’s, “The Coronavirus has Americans Scrambling to set their Estate Plans”, here at Butler Law Office, we’ve seen the same phenomenon.

Our phones are ringing with an increased surge of people wanting to talk about their estate plans, eager to get thing is place ASAP.  We are stepping up to assist as many people as possible during this time of uncertainty.

Here’s how:

·         Offering video meetings and telephone calls with new clients

·         Creating YouTube Videos about the 5 Myths and Misunderstandings of Estate Planning

·         Extending office hours to serve more clients

Our goal is help ease fears. Right now so many of us feel out of control, of our livelihood, of our investments, and of our futures. We want people to have control of this  aspect of their lives, which will hopefully give them some comfort during this tumultuous time.

So, if you have been putting off getting your estate plan in place, take this time to get your questions answered.

We are here, ready to serve.

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